КРУ «Этнографический музей»

The Crimean republican establishment «Ethnographic museum» is based in 1992. Collection of museum amounts more than 11000 exhibits. The museum plays a unique role in system of museum establishments of the Crimea. This is the a place where information on ethnography and culture of the peoples of the Crimea is concentrated in the most complete size. The Ethnographic museum is an important informational center, some kind of «model» of the Crimea, and a unique guide-book about its on peoples and cultures.

The building of museum is the monument of architecture and town-planning. 14 April 1868 – Laying the foundations for a new two-storied building and church dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene the Myrrophore and intended for an orphanage for 60 orphaned children from the poorest families of Sevastopol, Simferopol and other towns devastated by the Crimean War (1853-1856). The orphanage was established even earlier by Countess Amalia Adlerberg in 1855, and bore her name since April 1859.

The permanent exposition Mosaics of People’s Cultures of the Crimea with the total area 500 sq.m. that represents the culture and everyday life of 21 peoples living in Crimea. A permanent exhibition Ethnic History of Crimea in Ceramic Figurines was opened. The exhibition Crimean Chest (decorative applied and jewelry art of peoples of Crimea) was opened. Museum in the museum Russian Samovar. Tea Drinking Tradition was opened.

The museum renews its exhibitions monthly. A museum within the museum Ukrainian Embroidery named after Hero of Ukraine Vira Royik. The exposition displays the whole process of creating an embroidered item starting from producing a thread until the process of embroidering through various techniques.

Show Crimean Ethnographic Museum on the map.

Open daily from 9:00 tо 17:00.

Except Tuesday.

Ticket prices 50 RUB – adults, 30 RUB – children

Phone: (3652) 25-52-23

Address: 18 Pushkina Str., Simferopol.

Email: info@kruem.com



КРУ «Этнографический музей» КРУ «Этнографический музей»

КРУ «Этнографический музей»