(Русский) Завтра в Симферополе начнется первый фестиваль театров кукол.
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(Русский) В Минкурортов Крыма организовали методическую экскурсию «Симферополь – история двух столиц».
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(Русский) Велодорожку в Симферополе пообещали построить ко Дню города.
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(Русский) Памятник. Кущенко А.И. – комиссар 19-го партизанского отряда. трагически погиб 18 ноября 1943.
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Crimean Ethnographic Museum. Building’s history.
Building’s history. 14 April 1868 – Laying the foundations for a new two-storey building and church dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene the Myrrophore and intended for an orphanage for 60 orphaned children from the poorest families of Sevastopol, Simferopol and other towns devastated by the Crimean War (1853-1856). The orphanage was established even earlier by...
Crimean Ethnographic Museum.
The Crimean republican establishment «Ethnographic museum» is based in 1992. Collection of museum amounts more than 11000 exhibits. The museum plays a unique role in system of museum establishments of the Crimea. This is the a place where information on ethnography and culture of the peoples of the Crimea is concentrated in the most complete...
State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Building #2.
State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was created in 1919 as a central archive of Tauride. Since 1921, the Crimean Central Records Office with an archive. In 1926, during the Crimean central archive created two archives – Historical Archive and Archive of the October Revolution. In 1941, on the basis of two archives...
(Русский) Открытие выставки к 1025-летию Крещения Руси и размещение QR-кода на здании Государственного архива
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State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was created in 1919 as a central archive of Tauride. Since 1921, the Crimean Central Records Office with an archive. In 1926, during the Crimean central archive created two archives – Historical Archive and Archive of the October Revolution. In 1941, on the basis of two archives...